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Astrological Benefits of Chandan/Sandalwood Attar

Chandan or sandalwood, is highly valued in Indian traditions for its pleasant smell and calming effects. It is also important in astrology, where it is believed to help balance the energies of planets and bring peace and happiness to life. Let’s look at how Chandan or Chandan Attar can improve your life based on astrological beliefs. Helps Balance Moon’s Energy In Vedic astrology, the Moon affects our emotions and mind. Chandan is linked to the Moon and is known to bring peace and emotional stability. Applying Chandan Attar can calm your mind and reduce stress. The soothing aroma of Chandan

What is the Difference Between Essential Oils and Attars ?

When it comes to natural aromatic products, essential oils and attars are two well-known names. While both are highly concentrated and derived from nature, they have distinct differences in their production, ingredients, and uses. Let’s break it down in simple words to help you understand better. 1. Production Process The way these aromatic substances are made sets them apart: Attars: Attars are created through a traditional process called hydro-distillation. Here, flowers, herbs, spices, or wood are distilled with water. The aromatic compounds are then collected and blended with a natural carrier oil like sandalwood, which acts as a base.

The Aromatic Heritage of Gili Mitti Attar : A Timeless Fragrance

Fragrances have always held a special place in human history, evoking memories, enhancing moods, and even serving as status symbols. Among the myriad of perfumes and scents that have emerged from different cultures, one stands out for its unique connection to the earth and the monsoon rains of India: Gili Mitti Attar. This ancient fragrance, often translated as “wet earth perfume,” captures the essence of the first rain hitting dry soil, a scent universally cherished across cultures. A Journey Through Time The history of Gili Mitti Attar is deeply rooted in the traditions of ancient India. Ittar or attar,

सुगन्ध रहस्य विचार

शुभ और पवित्र गंध से पुष्टि और पुष्टि से आयु बढ़ती है।इस कथन का अनेक मंत्रों में प्रकटीकरण हुआ है।श्रीसूक्त और महामृत्युंजय मंत्र में पुष्टि और आयु का संबंध कहा गया है.." गंधद्वारां दुराधर्षाम् नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् " तथा " त्र्यंबकं यजामहे सुगंधिं पुष्टि वर्धनम्।"यह गंध देवता को समर्पित करने के पश्चात् स्वयं धारण किया जाता है। * शुभगंध में धर्म,अर्थ,काम,मोक्ष का सूक्ष्मनिवास रहता है.. गंधेन लभते कामं गंधो धर्मप्रद:सदा। अर्थानां साधको गंधो गंधो मोक्षप्रदायक:।। शारदातिलक। * यह गंध पांच प्रकार का होता है ..... चूर्णीकृत, घृष्ट , भस्मीकृत, रसोत्पन्न और प्राणी से उत्पन्न। इसी को कहा है..गंध:पंचविध:प्रोक्तःदेवानांप्रीतिदायक:। कालिकापुराण चूर्ण

Ittar Seva : हमारी हर सेवा प्रभु की सेवा है।

मानव सभ्यता में आदिकाल से ही गंध का महत्व रहा है। सुगंध जहाँ मनुष्यों को आकर्षित करती है वहीं दुर्गंध उन्हें बताती है कि उन्हें किन चीजों से दूर रहना है। वातावरण में अगर सुगंध मौजूद हो तो व्यक्ति खुश रहता है। यही कारण है कि प्राचीन समय से ही मनुष्यों के विभिन्न समाजों में सुगंधित वस्तुओं और इत्रों का प्रयोग होता रहा है। यह प्रयोग जीवन के व्यक्तिगत और धार्मिक दोनों ही पहलू में किया जाता रहा है। भारतीय सभ्यता के परिपेक्ष्य में सुगंध भारतीय सभ्यता की बात करें तो सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता में भी इत्र और इत्र के

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Attar Wholesale Suppliers and Manufacturers In India

India is renowned for its rich heritage of perfumery, and being one of the largest consumers of perfumes, has been known for manufacturing exquisite fragrances. Among the various types of perfumes available, the country is particularly famous for ittar - a highly concentrated perfume oil. Ittar or attar dates back to the Mughal era, where it was introduced by the Mughal rulers. The word 'ittar' is derived from the Persian word 'attar', which means 'perfume maker'. The skilled art of making ittar was brought into the country by the Mughals, who were connoisseurs of the art of perfumery. Today, India

Best oud attar

Oud attar, also known as agarwood oil is a highly sought-after and prized aromatic wood that has captivated cultures and civilizations for centuries. With a rich history and a distinctive fragrance, oud has become an integral part of perfumery and traditional medicine, captivating the senses and hearts. One of the most intriguing aspects of oud oil is its fragrance. Its aroma is rich, complex, and enchanting, often described as woody, earthy, and animalistic. It has a depth and longevity that few other scents can match, evolving over time and developing a unique character on each person's skin. Oud is often

ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार राशि को देखते हुए इत्र का उपयोग करना लाभप्रद रहता है

आचार्य वराहमिहिर द्वारा रचित ज्योतिषशास्त्र के गम्भीर ग्रन्थ बृहत्संहिता में केशकल्प, दन्तकाष्ठ, सुगन्धित तैल, औषध-स्नान एवं विभिन्न औषधियों व प्रयोगों का उल्लेख किया है। परन्तु ज्योतिष के ग्रन्थों में इन प्रकरणों का कोई औचित्य प्रासंगिक नही लगता, परन्तु इन प्रकीर्ण प्रसंगों ने यह साबित कर दिया है कि वराहमिहिर आयुर्वेद, रसायन-शास्त्र के प्रखर विद्वान थे, और ग्रह-उपचार के तौर पर सुगन्धित द्रव्यों का भी प्रयोग किया जाता था। इन प्रसंगों से आयुर्वेद और ज्योतिषशास्त्र का अन्योन्याश्रित सम्बन्ध एवं घनिष्ठता स्वत: ही प्रमाणित होती है। रससिद्ध वैद्य होने के साथ आचार्य वराहमिहिर ने सुगन्धित इत्र बनाने की अनेक विधियों का

Attar and Islam

Attar and Islam Perfume has a long history as its use was known in ancient civilisations. It has had great significance since the advent of Islam until today. We knew it from the Arabs. It had been used since ancient times and was intended for religious and worldly purposes. It was considered one of the most important cosmetic supplements and desirable things. It also had an important role in the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Perfume is one of the favourite Sunnahs, as the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used it and commanded his companions


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